Clean or Sober

The Universe Threw Me a Hail Mary

Dave Season 1 Episode 14

I talk to a dear friend of mine, who just happens to be a doctor.  This not to trump the previous doctor, but this episode is definitely jampacked with exciting stories.  We talk about primarily how geographical changes do not work for an addict alcoholic like him.

He moves from New York to Columbus, then over to Guam.  He went from Guam to Japan and had plans to move to Switzerland to end his own life.  Finally he ends  up in the United States, and each time successfully relapses, well I mean as successful as you can relapse.

From there he makes a move which is final to Georgia.  All the while he takes himself with him, so shortly after arriving he is using again.  We talk about the amazing journey he took to meet his now current husband on the top of Mt. Fuji.

If you ever have any topics you'd like to hear some experience, strength or hope OR you'd like to be a guest, please reach out to me at